After School

Super Kids After School Sports Club

We are excited to be offering our successful after-school program in our facility, with PICK-UP from

  • ​King Road PS - Full
  • Maplehurst PS - Limited space availability
  • Glenview PS
  • Holy Rosary Catholic PS

The first day of our After School Program for 2023 starts September 6th.

We are now open for Registration for the 2023-2024 school year.

The Super Kids After School Sports Club is a program that offers parents the opportunity to enroll their child in a program where they will be developing Physical Literacy and fundamental movement skills in a nurturing and safe environment.

Our program falls in line with the Sports Canada Long Term Athletes Development Model:

Physical literacy is the concept that children must learn how to move properly. Contrary to popular belief, no one is a "natural-born athlete."

The idea behind physical literacy is this: if we give children the opportunity to do the right physical activities at the right time in their development, more of them will enjoy getting active and staying active. They will develop more confidence in their sports skills - with better chances to become the next Wayne Gretzky, Steve Nash, Clara Hughes, or Haley Wickenhser!


Living an active lifestyle is more than running around a track.

Call (905) 407-9000